Month: August 2008

  • First Earthquake

    At work about a week ago, I experienced my first earthquake.  It was weirder than I anticipated.  The building actually seemed to be bouncing, not swaying, for 20-30 seconds.  (I’m told it was built on wheels, a common thing here.)  I was fine the first few seconds and realized right away what was happening.  Then it kept going, building, and I got nervous.  I was on the 7th floor of our office building, so there really wasn’t much to do but wait.  Fortunately, it died out as quickly as it started.  It made the news as a “moderate” quake with numerous aftershocks, none of which I felt.  All was in in order when I got home.  *sigh* 

    Now I see Tropical Storm Fay on its way towards Miami, and I must say I really don’t miss watching potential hurricanes from July to November.  I may some day go through a major earthquake and then say that Hurricane Season in Miami is preferable to that, but for now I’m very glad to be in So. Cal. and not Miami.

  • Light at the end of the Tunnel

    I guess I watched too many cartoons as a kid.  Lately, I’ve been imitating everyone from Droopy Dog to Snagglepuss, at work!  LOL.  A couple of the gals find me amusing, so the audience keeps me going.  Anyway, it’s a long intro to say I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel…

    so I hope it’s not a train. 

    I have been working almost constantly, two jobs, since returning from vacation last month.  Next week is a big deadline.  Hopefully, by Sept. I’ll be able to work less and start writing again.  The extra money has been helpful for paying off medical expenses (and my vacation), so I’m grateful for that.  Now I just want to slow down and relax a while.  And finish my book that’s been almost done for months.

    I’ll finally have a couple of nights off this week, balancing a couple recent all-nighters, so maybe I’ll finally get to the movies.  Is that Titanic thingy still playing?  I heard it was making lots of money for some Italian dude… 

    See you in a hundred years for the next 8/8/08.